Friday 15 May 2020

A mouse called Julian

Today our story is called A mouse called Julian. 
The author,  Joe Todd, is reading the story to us today.
I Julian is really happy living on his own? 

What do you like about being on your own? What do you like about being with your friends?

At the moment, it is very difficult for us to see our friends in person. We are all missing each other a lot right now, so if you could share a message with your friends, what would you say? Write a message to your friend and send it to and I will post it on the blog for your friends in Year 1 to see. 😃

In the story, I noticed that there were lots of action words. Can you remember the name for an action word? It begins with a V

Can you use your body to act out some of the action words and phrases in the story? Here are some words to get you started:

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