Thursday 30 April 2020

I will not ever never eat a tomato.

Today's story is called I will not ever, never eat a tomato.

Write a shopping list of all your favourite foods. Can you draw a picture for each type of food? Can you write a sentence using ‘because’ to explain why they are your favourite food?

remember: you can send a photo of your amazing work to

Let's go to the moon

Neil Armstrong | Biography & Facts | Britannica

Let's play guess who...

Do you know who this man is? Take a close look at the picture (click to enlarge it) for clues to help you answer the question below.

Who do you think he is? Where is he from? What has he done? What is his job?

Write your answer in the comments below.

Money continued

Hmmmm....what do we think Year 1? Why might he be right/wrong?

Remind yourself about different money values by watching this bitesize video.

There is also an activity for you to complete from your PurpleMash 2do:

Wednesday 29 April 2020

There's no place like home

Our story today is called No Place Like Home. 
Click on the picture to listen to the story.

Where is George's home? How would you feel if you couldn't find your home?

You challenge today is to write as many adjectives as you can to describe how you would feel if you discovered you were away from home.

Here is an adjective to start you off: 

Healthy lifestyle

Did you guess what it was Year 1? It's an orange! Well done if you got it right 👍  Here is the picture, completely zoomed out:

To keep ourselves healthy and strong, we should be making sure that we eat lots of things that are good for our bodies. This means having fruit and vegetables, proteins, dairy and some fats.

Draw an outline of a body. You can copy the picture below. Now, fill the body with food that is good for you. You could draw pictures, or find images from magazines at home.
Blank Outline Of Person - Clipart library - Clip Art Library 

There are also other things that we can do to keep our bodies healthy. What else should we do to stay healthy? Write it in the comments below.

Money recognition

Hi Year 1! Do you remember when we had our own shop?
Miss Ali and Ms Hazel were selling lots of different things for you to buy with your (pretend) money.

Have a go at matching the coins and notes to their correct amounts:

Did you know that, the size of the coin doesn't tell us how much the coin is worth. Only the value does.

Which coin has the smallest value?
Which coin has the largest value?

Which note has the smallest value?
Which note has the largest value?

Tuesday 28 April 2020


Time to predict! 
Can you predict what this is a picture of and why? It is a photograph of an object that has been taken up close.

Still not sure? Here is another picture, but zoomed back a little more. 
What do you think it is?
Write your guesses in the comments down below. 
Miss Ali will tell you the answer tomorrow 😀

Mackaton Music

Mackaton is a sign language used all over the world. You might have seen Mr Tumble use Mackaton in his show Something Special.

See if you can join in with these signs on the Cbeebies website. Do you know any of them already?

Now have a go at signing to our favourite song. How many actions can you remember? 

Literacy - National academy

Oak National Academy are providing some great home learning lessons online. Watch Ms Brown's English lesson by clicking here.

If you would like to listen to the story of Sam's sandwich again, you can find it here:

3-d shapes continued

Good Morning Year 1. Can you remember the names of the 3-d shapes we have been learning?

Watch this to remind yourself:

Now, use these sentences to answer what these shapes are and what their properties are:

Monday 27 April 2020

Science investigation

Rainbow Magic with Skittles Candies! - YouTube

Scientists! Do you remember our skittle experiment from Autumn term?

Have a go at completing this gummy bear experiment at home. 

You will need:

1. Place a gummy bear in four different cups.
2. Add just water to one cup
3. Add water and vinegar to another cup
3. Add water and baking soda to another cup
4. Add water and salt to the final cup
5. Wait a few hours to see if your bears grow. Remember to watch them and record your results.

Can you find out which type of water will make the bear grow the most?

Which bear do you think will grow the most? Which bear do you think will grow the fastest? Make a prediction. How will you find out which bear is the biggest?

Today we will bring back to life an old classic science experiment, yes the one with the g u m m y b e a r s  :) Ela suppose to bring to...

3-d Shapes continued

3-d shapes have three different properties. Can you remember what they are called?

Check Friday's blog post to see if you are correct.

We can find 3-d shapes all around us. See if you can find objects in your house that match these shapes:
3 D Shapes - Lessons - Tes Teach

Challenge: which shape has the most faces, vertices and edges?

Friday 24 April 2020


Hi Year 1,

Last term in Computing, we were learning how to copy and paste images from the internet.

Before we did this, we talked about how to stay safe online and what to do if we see something that we do not like. Can you remember what you need to do?

We stop, we don't share with others, we tell an adult straight away. 
Please login to your PurpleMash account and complete this 2do. It's really important that we know how to stay safe online, especially now that we are on it everyday. 

At school, you can tell an adult in your class if you see something you do not like. But who can you tell at home?

I would like you to think about one adult you can ask for help at home if you see something that is not right. Who would that person be?

3-d shapes

3-d shapes have three different properties.
They have vertices, faces and edges. 

Watch this BBC Bitesize video to find out more about their properties.

Sometimes, you can find 2-d shapes on the faces of 3-d shapes. 
Have a look at this 3-d shape. It's called a cube. 

What Is A Cube | Cube Shape | DK Find Out

This cube is made up of square faces. This doesn't mean that it's a 2-d shape, it's just made up of 2-d shapes.

Use this shape word mat to help you answer the questions below. You can leave your answers in the comments box.

2D and 3D Shapes: Recognising Descriptions Worksheet - EdPlace


Gruffalo setting description

Yesterday, Miss Ali went out for a walk to get some fresh air...

Her walk reminded her of the Gruffalo story. Can you remember where the story was set?

🌳🌲🌳🌲🌳🌲🌳The story is set in the woods. 🌲🌳🌲🌳🌲🌳🌲

Miss Ali would like you to use all your senses to describe the woods/forest from our story. You could go for a walk to your local park help you imagine this a bit better. Or, use this video to help:
The Five Senses and “The First Day of School” – Lead…Learn…Lift

Here is my sentence: 

Use this sentence starter to write your own sentences:

Thursday 23 April 2020

What do they eat?

Staples Disposable Paper Plate, Coated, White, 23 cm (package 50 ...

During the Spring term we began learning about what different animals eat. We found out that animals that eat the same thing as other animals have a special name. Can you remember what they are?

A herbivore is an animal that only eats _________.

A carnivore is an animal that only eats _________.

An omnivore is an animal that eats ___________ and __________.

Could you make a meal for herbivore, carnivore or an omnivore? Draw a plate of food for them.

Can you match the animals to the correct group? Have a go playing this game here.

Tip: to start the game you will need to click on each coloured box first.

2-d Shapes

Have a go at finishing these statements. You will need to look at the shape picture to help you. Write your answer in the comments below.

To help with your shape work you can play the BBC Bitesize game Karate Cats here. Use the arrows to pick the 'Shapes' topic.

I have also set you a PurpleMash 2do to be completed by next week:

Gruffalo - Mouse


Can you remember the story of The Gruffalo from yesterday?

The Mouse in the story went on quite an adventure. Before meeting the Gruffalo, he met and saw lots of different things.

Imagine that you are the mouse in the story (you might even want to make yourself a mouse headband to get into character!) ...

Write a letter to your mouse family about all the different things that you have seen on your way to the Gruffalo. You might want to include:

  • Action words (verbs) to tell them what you have been doing.
  • Describing words (adjectives) to help your mouse family imagine exactly what you have seen.
  • Connectives such as 'and','but' and 'so' to add more detail to your writing.
Gruffalo, Mouse, Snake, Fox, Owl, Song


Wednesday 22 April 2020


Hi Year 1!

I hope you are having a fabulous day so far. Have you done any exercise today? Remember, even though you are indoors it is important to keep our bodies moving to stay fit and healthy. Here is a Yoga video for you to join in with:

How have you been exercising at home? Write it in the comments below. 😊

GoNoodle is also another great place to do Yoga and stretching. You will need to ask an adult if you want to use this website. 


A World Inside A Book - Exhibition | Steven Dove

Today's story is The Gruffalo. 

If you met the Gruffalo, what would you say? How would you feel? Would you try to run away or would you stay to say hello?

The Gruffalo is wanted for scaring all of the woodland creatures. Can you make a wanted poster so he can be caught? You will need write a character description so he can be found. Use the sentence starters below to help you with your writing.

Have a look on the official Gruffalo website for other activities:  The Gruffalo Website.


Good Morning Year 1💫

Yesterday, Ms Rader kindly sent you log-in details for Numbots. Please head over to the website to complete your maths learning for today. I can't wait to see who will get on to the leaderboard!

🔓The answer to yesterdays place value question was:
4 shows us the tens value, there are 4 tens.5 shows us the ones value, there are 5 ones.

Give yourself a mini firework if you got right answer!💥💥

Tuesday 21 April 2020

Tens and ones

When we look at numbers, each digit has its own value. Watch this video to remind yourself about tens and ones:

Look at this number:
Which digit shows us the tens value?
Which digit shows us the ones value?
Miss Ali will tell you the answer tomorrow 🔓
